Application Information

We're all in! What do we need to do now?

Application Process

  • Submit completed online application with birth certificate and pay the application fee

  • Submit the following supplemental documentation by uploading or submitting directly to the school:

    • Custody Documentation

    • IEP or other support plan documentation

    • 1st-8th Grade: Report card and standardized test scores from current school

Overview of Application and Enrollment Process

  • Complete online application and submit birth certificate along with any supplemental documents.

  • Schedule screening/testing.

  • Interview with Dean of Students for grades 4-8.

  • Administration reviews all information collected during the admissions process when considering enrollment. If offered enrollment, a link to complete is emailed.

  • Submit enrollment online and enrollment is complete!

If a grade level does not appear as an option on the application, then we are on a waiting list for that grade.

Current School Family Enrollment K-8


Priority Enrollment


Open Enrollment
